2 oct 2013

I'm alive!

After a month of absence I'm updating this! 

I was sick so I couldn't do exercises. I was just in bed so what can I do? Just keep eating healthy! 

Recipe? Low carbs, a lot of vegetables and protein and of course my cheat meal of the week! You have to treat yourself for your hard work!

4 sept 2013

*Recipe* Almond Flour

Good day people~

A little late but here it is! Remember the last post? The leftovers almonds. We are going to make some almond flour with that!


16 ago 2013

*Recipe* Almond Milk


Ok, as I promised, Recipe Time!

I finally made some Almond Milk! Is quite easy and simple, is a new taste to me, not bad! But definitely, new!

Almond Milk!

7 ago 2013

Busy Weeks!

Oh well~ almost 2 weeks without a post!

Yes, it was so busy! So busy but... Finally! I graduated! Yeeey~ 


I'll be honest. I didn't workout and my diet, well... it was ok, except the 2 days that I ate a lot pizza! hahahaha

26 jul 2013

My favorites of the month! July~

Good Day people!

So, the month is ending and I think I should show you guys the food that I enjoy the most this month~ 

I enjoy cooking a lot this meals and eating them hehe

Shrimps with vegetables

Easy to make and delicious!

19 jul 2013

Is starting~

It's Friday!

The allergy is gone and I'm finally better! My weight is the same that last week, so is time to take action! I started to work out again Wednesday! 

Is not a big change of course, but I feel so good when I look the photos! Also my face is a lot thinner! 

12 jul 2013

A little sick! **Recipe**

Hello again! 

This week my progress is slow... yeah! I'm a little sick so I wasn't able to work out! I have allergies so I can't walk for more than 15 min without losing my breath!

But of course! I didn't stop eating! Oh healthy food! Thanks to that, I managed to lose weight~ Now I'm 64 Kg! hooray~

This week I tried a recipe! Healthy pancakes with some banana! DELICIOUS! ^.^

Ñooom~ ^_^

2 jul 2013

How do I do it?

So, you want to start but don't know how? You see those awful diets and think I can't do it?

Well, yes you can! The mistake the most people do is to jump in a diet. 

First you need to go to a doctor, make a full exam. see if you need a diet or no. 
Let's be honest there's a bunch of girls that think they need to lose weight and they're
so skinny that makes you feel bad. If you want to be in shape, or maintain your weight. 

28 jun 2013


Hello! I'm Mahoreta! Not sure how to start but here I go~ 

This is a blog dedicated to my personal experiences and the beginning of a healthy life style. I'm going to tell you the tips that help me during my lost of weight, meals and recipes.

Important: I'm not a doctor or a special trainer, just telling my experiences.