1 oct 2015

*Recipe* Bacon and Cheese Panini

Bacon and Cheese Panini

This is something I occasionally make for my family. Is really good and savory. I saw it once in a Tv Show and then I tried it with some modifications and it turned out better and easy to make!

So here is the recipe!

17 sept 2015

*Recipe* Chocolate, Chia and Oats Cake

Chocolate, Chia and Oats Cake

My family really enjoys this cake! I can make it anytime and is really easy and simple to do it.

27 ago 2015

*Recipe* Benefits of the Chia and Green Smoothie

Since I read all the benefits Chia has, I'm using it on my smoothies and all the things possible.

Here are some of the benefits I have read.

17 jun 2015

*Recipe* Refreshing Green Smoothie

Sometimes, to not said always, the city where I live is extremely hot. Some people even said is like a oven, because we live in the eternal summer.

So I make this refreshing green smoothie when the weather is killing me.

It tastes like a fruit punch without the alcohol. Is really good!

12 jun 2015

*Recipe* French Fries with Garlic

Everybody loves French Fries, but they are not healthy at all.

Sometimes I crave some, so I make this potatoes for this moments, and the best part is that is really simple to make and I, absolutely love them.

Sometimes I think they are better hahaha

6 jun 2015

*Recipe* Green Smoothie with Almond Milk

Here I come again! Another recipe of a Green Smoothie.

This one I recommend a lot if you want to lose weight. Is simple and it taste great! I don't make this often because buying Almond Milk or Almonds to make the milk has become expensive in my country.

But if that's not a problem for you, try it often. Of course, you can just take away the Almond Milk and use water if you don't like it. Is also good!

Great! Let's begin.

2 jun 2015

Illustrations of me

Two of my best friends made a illustrations based on me.

I'm so in love with their work, that I feel the need to show it to the world.

But first let's talk a little about them.

22 may 2015

*Recipe* Green Smoothie

Lately I've been trying this new diet and is all about the green smoothies. 

What is interesting about it for me, is that there is a lot of flavours, depending on what you use! And you have all the benefit of the vegetables and fruits in one place.

The green smoothie recipe!

Actually they are a lot of recipes of green smoothies! But here is one of my favorites.