26 jul 2013

My favorites of the month! July~

Good Day people!

So, the month is ending and I think I should show you guys the food that I enjoy the most this month~ 

I enjoy cooking a lot this meals and eating them hehe

Shrimps with vegetables

Easy to make and delicious!

19 jul 2013

Is starting~

It's Friday!

The allergy is gone and I'm finally better! My weight is the same that last week, so is time to take action! I started to work out again Wednesday! 

Is not a big change of course, but I feel so good when I look the photos! Also my face is a lot thinner! 

12 jul 2013

A little sick! **Recipe**

Hello again! 

This week my progress is slow... yeah! I'm a little sick so I wasn't able to work out! I have allergies so I can't walk for more than 15 min without losing my breath!

But of course! I didn't stop eating! Oh healthy food! Thanks to that, I managed to lose weight~ Now I'm 64 Kg! hooray~

This week I tried a recipe! Healthy pancakes with some banana! DELICIOUS! ^.^

Ñooom~ ^_^

2 jul 2013

How do I do it?

So, you want to start but don't know how? You see those awful diets and think I can't do it?

Well, yes you can! The mistake the most people do is to jump in a diet. 

First you need to go to a doctor, make a full exam. see if you need a diet or no. 
Let's be honest there's a bunch of girls that think they need to lose weight and they're
so skinny that makes you feel bad. If you want to be in shape, or maintain your weight. 