12 jul 2013

A little sick! **Recipe**

Hello again! 

This week my progress is slow... yeah! I'm a little sick so I wasn't able to work out! I have allergies so I can't walk for more than 15 min without losing my breath!

But of course! I didn't stop eating! Oh healthy food! Thanks to that, I managed to lose weight~ Now I'm 64 Kg! hooray~

This week I tried a recipe! Healthy pancakes with some banana! DELICIOUS! ^.^

Ñooom~ ^_^


1/2 cup of oatmeal
1 crushed banana 
4 white egg
Cinnamon (optional)
1 tbsp of linseed
Water or Almond Milk (optional)

Just mix all the ingredients and put it a small frying pan over medium heat. If the mixture is too thick add a little bit of water or almond milk.

It taste so great and is so easy!

Thanks for reading~ and have an awesome weekend! 


2 comentarios:

  1. Yo quieroooo Mahito enseñame tengo hambreeeeee xD

  2. Que rico! Me gustaría hacerlas! *o* Debería aprender de tus hábitos. Y debemos ir a una piscina ;D
