This is something I occasionally make for my family. Is really good and savory. I saw it once in a Tv Show and then I tried it with some modifications and it turned out better and easy to make!
Sometimes, to not said always, the city where I live is extremely hot. Some people even said is like a oven, because we live in the eternal summer. So I make this refreshing green smoothie when the weather is killing me. It tastes like a fruit punch without the alcohol. Is really good!
Everybody loves French Fries, but they are not healthy at all. Sometimes I crave some, so I make this potatoes for this moments, and the best part is that is really simple to make and I, absolutely love them. Sometimes I think they are better hahaha
Here I come again! Another recipe of a Green Smoothie. This one I recommend a lot if you want to lose weight. Is simple and it taste great! I don't make this often because buying Almond Milk or Almonds to make the milk has become expensive in my country. But if that's not a problem for you, try it often. Of course, you can just take away the Almond Milk and use water if you don't like it. Is also good! Great! Let's begin.
Lately I've been trying this new diet and is all about the green smoothies. What is interesting about it for me, is that there is a lot of flavours, depending on what you use! And you have all the benefit of the vegetables and fruits in one place. The green smoothie recipe! Actually they are a lot of recipes of green smoothies! But here is one of my favorites.